Stacey Smith
Stacey worked in accounting and finance in the energy business in Tulsa and Houston working for Samson Resources Company, Williams Companies and Koch Industries before moving to Darien. In Tulsa and Houston, she volunteered in the Junior League serving as one of the 5 Houston league treasurers. During her time in Darien, she has served as treasurer for OPUS for Person to Person, Royle School PTO, Darien High School PTO, Blue Wave Booster Club and the Depot as well as other fundraising roles. She also served on the board of Person to Person in Darien.
She has a B.S. in Business and an M.B.A. from the University of Tulsa and is a C.P.A.
Stacey has lived in Darien since 2004. She and her husband Foster have 2 children both who graduated from Darien High School.