Substance Use Resources
February 8, 2024
"The Social Scene: Coaching Your Teen/Tween to Make Positive Decisions"
Presented by the Thriving Youth Task Force, Liberation Programs and YWCA Parent Awareness
Joyce Sixsmith, Darien High School’s Connections Counselor, and John Hamilton, President and CEO of Liberation Programs, spoke about how to help your teen/tween make healthy decisions about the social/party scene and tips for talking about the potential risks and consequences of substance use – its impact on physical health, mental well-being, academic performance, and future opportunities.
Moderated by Susannah Lewis, Thriving Youth Darien Co-Chair.
Scroll down for resources and parent handbooks about talking to your kids
about alcohol, marijuana and vaping!
From our March 22, 2023 event at Darien Library
"Don't Wait" documentary film screening & discussion
Presented by the Thriving Youth Task Force, The Depot Youth Center, Silver Hill Hospital and YWCA Parent Awareness

Other resources from Addiction is Real:
(click titles to access)
Hidden in Plain View" Interactive Bedroom - an online experience where parents can virtually explore a teen’s bedroom and learn to identify the signs of drug and alcohol use
Christina Passaretti (TYTF),
Erin Kelley & Pam Greenberg (Addiction is Real) and Sara Mirsky (YWCA Parent Awareness)
Learn to identify the signs of drug and alcohol use through a “Hidden in Plain View” experience with Addiction is Real Executive Director Erin Kelley and Emeritus Board Member Pam Greenberg.
Additional Resources:
(Click titles for info)
Information from The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA​)
​​Website Links
Spring 2022 - Marijuana Education Campaign/Town-Wide mailing

Visit our Instagram and Facebook pages @thrivingyouthdarien
to view our marijuana education social media campaign.
TYTF "Vaping, Edibles & the New Marijuana" Presentation
Watch the recording of our January 25th event with experts Darien Police Chief Don Anderson, Liberation Programs' John Hamilton, and Silver Hill Hospital's Susannah Lewis below:
View the slide deck from our January 25th event
"Vaping, Edibles, and the 'New' Marijuana:
What Every Parent Needs to Know."
​Click the image below:
The "Our Darien" 06820 Campaign

TYTF's nationally recognized “Our Darien” 06820 campaign examined the impact of alcohol on the teen brain and ​encouraged healthier attitudes and behaviors.